景遇一泻千里,场外最多的,便是他为舞女(Dancing girl)和妻子分手的讯息。我不懂得,场上如许MAN的他,成功并非重要的事,重要的是努力。
舞女纯情 Daenseoeui Sunjeong ; Innocent Steps ; Daenseo-ui sunj
舞女的纯情 Park Young Hun ; Innocent Steps ; Daenseoeui Sunjeong ; Years
纯情舞女 Innocent Steps
芭蕾舞女演员 ballerina ; danseuse ; Famous Ballerinas ; A woman who is a ballet dancer
芭蕾舞女 ballerina ; Ballerina Dancer
伊豆的舞女 The Izu Dancer ; Izu no odoriko
歌舞女郎 showgirl ; zig ; Zig-Zag
草裙舞女孩 Tiny Hula ; Hula Girl ; Flying Babies
伊豆舞女 The Izu Dancer ; Izu no odoriko
Under the skin, a ballerina might have the heart of a boxer.
The grace of a ballerina and the grit of a boxer hammer home the message: The future belongs to those who prepare.