...blic of Colombia) 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯(Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) 萨尔瓦多共和国(The Republic of El Salvador) 厄瓜多尔共和国 (The Republic of Ecuador) 多米尼克国 (The Commonwealth of Dominica) 洪都拉斯共和国 (The Republic of Hond...
...国) 运营商:Claro MB489LA/A MB496LA/A MB500LA/A MC131LA/A MC132LA/A MC133LA/A MC134LA/A 国家:El Salvador(萨尔瓦多共和国) 运营商:Movistar MB489LA/A MB496LA/A MB500LA/A MC131LA/A MC132LA/A MC133LA/A MC134LA/A 国家:Estonia(爱沙尼亚共和国) 运...
...blic of Colombia) 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯(Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) 萨尔瓦多共和国(The Republic of El Salvador) 厄瓜多尔共和国 (The Republic of Ecuador) 多米尼克国 (The Commonwealth of Dominica) 洪都拉斯共和国 (The Republic of Hond...
After being baptized by Spanish conquistadors as "Provincia De Nuestro senor Jesucristo el Salvador Del Mundo", it's now known as the Republic of el Salvador.
After being baptized by Spanish conquistadors as "Provincia De Nuestro Se? Or Jesucristo el Salvador Del Mundo" it's now known as the Republic of el Salvador.