血红蛋白计 haemoglobinometer 血红蛋白的定量装置有肉眼直接比色法Sahli血红蛋白计和光电比色计法前者是把血液加在01N盐酸中使血红蛋白变成盐酸正铁血红素然后加水稀释一直到其褐色浓度与标准管相等时为止然后取出试样管读出液体表面的刻度此刻度表示Sahli%健康成年男子为100%或g/dl后者是由国际血液学会推荐的标准方法是以氰化正铁血红蛋白的形式来测定血红蛋白血红蛋白浓度是用光电比色计的安培计的测定值与标准液的测定值相比较读出g/dl如果使用血红蛋白专用仪器则能直接读出
The level of hemoglobin (HB) was determined with Shanghai 722 spectrophotometer and Beiken AC900+ red blood count (RBC) meter.
First draw the basic curve for 5 minutes, observe its characteristics. At that time the monitoring curve reflects the brain oxygen situation and the brain blood during a tranquil state.
Results indicated that the resultant cybrid cells are characterized by the appearance of hemoglobin and its expression might be served as a marker for the cybrids.