转型升级(transform and upgrade its development model)
外向型产业集群的转型升级问题研究--以东莞的实践为例-毕业论文参考网 关键词:东莞,产业集群,转型升级 [gap=879]Key words: Dongguan ,Industry cluster,transformation
加工贸易转型升级 transformation and upgrading of the processing trade ; the transformation and upgrading of processing trade
外贸转型升级 foreign trade transformation and upgrading
经济转型升级 economic transformation and upgrading
产业转型升级 transformation and upgrading of industrial sectors
传统产业转型升级 the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries
加工贸易转型升级示范区 demonstration zones for the transformation and upgrading of processing trade
转型升级取得实质性进展 substantial progress in transformation and upgrading
工业转型升级 Industrial transformation and upgrading ; Industrial restructuring and upgrading
转型升级战略 transition and upgradingserving
Economic transformation and upgrading include two aspects: the economic transformation and upgrade of industry .
参考来源 - 连云港产业结构升级中的政府作用研究To promote the development of processing trade, and actively guide its transformation and promotion, is a long-term strategy of our country.
参考来源 - 全球生产网络视角下我国加工贸易转型升级问题研究Since reform and opening up, under the guidance of China's expanding economic openness and the party's reform and opening up policies, we has accelerated economic restructuring and upgrading and bringed about economic "leap frog" development.
参考来源 - 我国对外开放度与经济增长关系实证分析·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Second, it is important to upgrade China-Japan business ties.
We will quicken the establishment of a modern industrial system and give impetus to industrial transformation and upgrading.
Around drive tourism transition to upgrade, accelerate development of high-end travel project.