酱猪肉是一道美味可口的地方传统名菜,鲁菜、山西菜等菜系都有自己独特的烹制方法。酱猪肉以猪肉 为主要材料,烹饪以酱菜为主。 此菜菜色棕红,肉质松软,肥而不腻,瘦而不柴,咸鲜适口,佐酒下饭两宜。
... Spiced liver 卤眼润 spiced pork 酱猪肉 ; 酱肉 ; 五香酱肉 ; 卤猪肉 spiced plum 丁香嘉应子 ; 五香李 ...
... 酱猪肉 Stewed pork in soy sauce 酱猪肘 Spiced joint of pork 郊外菜远 Fried seasonal vegetable ...
... 蛤蜊氽鲫鱼 Stewed Crucian Mixed with Clam 酱猪肉 Pork Cooked in Soy Sauce 虾子大乌参 Steamed Dark Gensing with Shrimp ...
...braised duck with soy sauce ; Stewed duck in soy sauce ; seasoned duck 酱猪肉 spiced pork ; braised pork with soy sauce ; Stewed pork in soy sauce ; Pork Cooked in Soy Sauce 酱板鸭 Spicy Salted Duck ; Pressed salted duck sauce ..
辣椒酱猪肉 Pork with chili sauce
酱爆猪肉丁 Fried Pork Dices with Sauce
京酱猪肉丝 schweinefleisch in sojasauce
韩国辣酱猪肉 Korean Spicy Pork
猪肉杂酱 Pork mixed with soy sauce ; Pork with bean sauce ; Pork mixed sauce
日式酱油炆猪肉 Japanese Soy Sauce Pork Stew ; japanese style soy sauce braised pork
猪肉酱调料 Seasoning Pork Sauce Mix
自制肉批及猪肉酱 Home-made Pate and Rillette
日式酱油猪肉 Japanese Soy Sauce Pork Stew
We have 'carp with wine gums', 'slice lamb', 'braised pork with soy sauce'…" With a smile he started to recite the menu. "Good, I'll have three dishes of each course, " said Violet.
Mapo beancurd is made of tofu and bean-based sauce. It is often topped with minced meat, usually pork or beef.
Ladle the sauce on top, top with pork and chopped peanuts, and serve while hot.