黄桃又称黄肉桃,属于蔷薇科桃属,因肉为黄色而得名。常吃可起到通便、降血糖血脂、抗自由基、祛除黑斑、延缓衰老、提高免疫力等作用,也能促进食欲,堪称保健水果、养生之桃。 黄桃的营养十分丰富,含有丰富的抗氧化剂(α-胡萝卜素、β-胡萝卜素、番茄黄素、番茄红素及维生素C,抗自由基等)、膳食纤维(果肉中含有大量人体所需的果胶和纤维素,起到了协助消化吸收等许多作用)、铁钙及多种微量元素(硒、锌等含量明显,高于其他水果,是果中之王)。黄桃食时软中带硬,甜多酸少,有香气、水分中等,成熟糖度14~15度。
糖水黄桃 yellow peach in syrup ; sugar water yellow peach ; Sweet yellow peach ; Sugar yellow peach
糖水黄桃罐头 canned yellow peach in syrup ; sugar water yellow peach can
黄桃派 Yellow peach pie ; Peach pie
黄桃罐头 canned yellow peach ; Canned Peaches Half
黄桃蛋糕 peach cake ; Peach polenta
这是黄桃 This is a yellow peach ; This is a Peach
黄桃沙司 Peach sauce
黄花夹竹桃 Thevetia peruviana ; Luckynut Thevetia Seed ; lucky-nut-thevetia ; Luckynut Thevetia Seed Semen Thevetiae
黄桃丁 Yellow Peach Dices
In the mouth it offers fruitiness and good acidity, aromas of green apples and apricots.
Buy: All kinds of fruits, Yellow peach in glass, Canned mandarin Orange.
Fresh grapefruit aromas on the nose with a hint of yellow peach and Indian spices.