ANE 炸药中间体 ; 槟榔提取物 ; 驴皮公主 ; 急性坏死性脑病
Ibu Ane 伊布·阿耐
I ane 疯狂越野 ; 疯狂越野赛车
D-ANE 工程师
Ane Dahl Torp 主 ; 安妮·达尔·托普
Ane Brun 表演者
Rooms Ane 安逸客房酒店
Ane Grand Hotel 岷山安逸大酒店
you ane my 你的心弦我 ; 你我阿纳
SUFFIX forming N indicating an alkane hydrocarbon 表示“烷烃碳氢化合物”
Their connection with the natural surroundings is vital: "I love being at sea – fishing, rowing, just feeling everything, the cold, the heat," Ane says.
对于他们,与大自然亲近是须臾不可或缺的:“我喜欢生活在海上,捕鱼划船,感受冷热变化,” 安妮说。
The stench of rotting seal flesh wafts from a bag in the porch of his house in Tasiilaq as Ignatiussen's wife, Ane, remarks that, "the seasons are upside down".
The software can also detect subtle changes in the style of ane-mail communication.