西方蜜蜂(Apis mellifera)是中国养蜂生产中饲养最多的蜂种,而蜂螨是寄生于西方蜜蜂最主要的敌害,给中国养蜂业带来了巨大的损失,严重影响了蜜蜂为农作物...
Apis mellifera carnica 卡尼鄂拉蜂 ; 蜜蜂
Apis mellifera ligustica 意大利蜜蜂 ; 意大利蜂 ; 意蜂 ; 意年夜利蜜蜂
Apis mellifera L 蜜蜂 ; 意大利蜜蜂
Apis mellifera mellifera 欧洲黑蜂 ; 蜜蜂 ; 欧洲黑暗的蜂
Apis mellifera Linnaeus 西方蜜蜂 ; 或意大利蜂
Unlike honeybee Apis mellifera, bumblebee Bombus lucorum have different pollination behavior on greenhouse tomato.
Apis mellifera, which is native throughout Africa, most of Europe and the Middle East, is the best known and most widely spread species.
Apis mellifera原产于非洲各地、欧洲和中东大部分地区,是最著名、分布最广的品种。
We tested the temperature and carbon dioxide concentration in the center and out of the bee-agglomerate between Apis mellifera ligustica and A.