abstract:Carl Maria Friedrich Ernst von Weber (18/19 November 17864/5 June 1826) was a German composer, conductor, pianist, guitaristMax Maria Weber, Carl Maria von Weber: The Life of an Artist, translated by John Palgrave Simpson, two volumes (London: Chapman and Hall, 1865), 1:52, 62, 94, 137, 143, 152, 177, 211, 244, 271, 278; John Warrack, Carl Maria von Weber, second edition (Cambridge, New York, and Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 1976), 67, 94, 107, 141. and critic, one of the first significant composers of the Romantic school.
The convoluted fantasy "Die Feen" ("The Fairies, " 1834), based on a play by Carlo Gozzi, follows in the romantic footsteps of CarlMariavonWeber and Heinrich Marschner.