...信号中的窄带干扰抑制11.4 自适应谱线增强11.5 自适应信道均衡第12章 在通信系统中的应用12.1 脉冲编码调制12.2 差分PCM(DPCM)12.3 自适应PCM(ADPCM)和DPCM12.4 增量(△)调制(DM)12.5 语音的线性预测编码(IPC)12.6 双音多频(DTMF)信号12.7 二进制...
DPCM Data Pulse 数据脉冲
vector DPCM 向量微分搏码调变
dpi or dpcm 纸张的像素密度
DPCM differential PCM 差分脉冲编码调制
Inter-Frame DPCM 帧间差分预测编码
open-loop DPCM 开回路微分博码调整
DP-DPCM 使用双预测器误差脉波编码调变
dpcm matlab 预测编
DPCM coding DPCM编码
This paper discusses the stability of two-dimensional DPCM systems for picture coding.
For a given monochrome digital image with low detail, an adaptive DCT data compression method is given and compared with adaptive DPCM method.
The effects of the channel bit error on the reconstructed images of the Differential Pulse Code Modulation (DPCM) systems are analysed in this paper.