grid DSM 电网需求侧管理
DSM-entry 数据源管理器入口
Power DSM 电力需求侧管理
DSM device 深亚微米工艺技术芯片
DSM process 深亚微米工艺
DSM service 需求侧服务
dsm resource 需求侧资源
dsm technology 技术举措
ABBREVIATION for Distinguished Service Medal 荣誉勋章
For 30 years the DSM has been the undisputed standard that clinicians consult when diagnosing mental disorders.
At this point, the changes are not a done deal and are still being debated; the new DSM-V will be published in 2013.
He also blamed a so-called dimensional approach, which is a method of diagnosing personality disorders that is new to the DSM.