据悉,这位在《律政俏佳人》(Legally Blonde)的“不夜城”(Great White Way)版本里饰演艾尔·伍兹(Elle Woods)的美貌女子将在剧中饰演泰
...老汇音乐剧选角几十年来一直颇受诟病,1902年被报纸用来形容入夜后百老汇大街灯火通明盛况的昵称“白色大道”(Great White Way)也被讥讽为是形容舞台上演员肤色的词。黑人和拉丁裔演员.
The Great White Way 白色大道
N the theatre district on Broadway in New York City 不夜街; 美国纽约市百老汇一带
Cynics point out that all this speculation is a great way of keeping Mr Bloomberg's name in lights, and avoiding the lame-duckery that has so crippled the man now in the White House.
Highlights include bright white stars Deneb (in Cygnus), Vega, and Altair, nebulae near the Galactic Center, and the dark obscuring dust clouds of the Milky Way also known as the Great Rift.
We saw great white cotton twill pants with white gauze cowboy shirts, it's an interesting way to use the trend and make it approachable.
在Ralph Lauren2012春夏系列中,白色线条、色块被大胆的运用. 我们看到了浮夸的白色棉质斜纹裤子与白色轻纱质感牛仔T恤的绝妙搭配,这真的是一种使流行更平民化的有趣的方式。