There are also errors: the authors do not seem to know, for example, that the Israeli-backed militia in south Lebanon is largely Shia, just like the Hizbollah guerrillas it confronts.
ECONOMIST: Middle East
In New York on February 4th, Shimon Peres, Israel's foreign minister, stepped up Israel's criticism of Iran, saying it had recently supplied Hizbollah with 10, 000 Katusha missiles capable of striking Israeli cities.
ECONOMIST: Great Satan v axis of evil | The
Expressing utmost concern at the spiralling deadly violence and destruction in Lebanon, the Security Council today called for a full cessation of hostilities in the month-long war between Israel and Hizbollah, mapping out a formula for the phased withdrawal of the Israel Defence Forces from southern Lebanon, while up to 15, 000 United Nations peacekeepers help Lebanese troops take control of the area.
UN: Security Council