...最为有名。在此蒋昶华先生为具有代表性,主要将美藤、澳藤与国藤在QS排名和入学途径及难度上进行了对比: 知识普及:美藤为美国常春藤盟校(Ivy League)是由美国的首屈一指的七所大学和一所学院组成的一个高校联盟,历史悠久,治学严谨,在美国,常青藤学院被作为顶尖名校的代名词;...
入驻常春藤盟校—达特茅斯学院:常春藤(Ivy League)指美国东部八所最高学术水平,历史最悠久的大学:包括哈佛、耶鲁、达特茅斯、宾夕法尼亚、普林斯顿、哥伦比亚、布朗、康乃尔,这...
the Ivy League 常春藤联盟 ; 常青藤联盟 ; 常春藤盟校 ; 藤同盟
Ivy League Schools 常春藤盟校 ; 常春藤联合会学校 ; 长春藤大学
Ivy League Universities 常青藤大学 ; 指出 ; 从常青藤联谊会大学 ; 春藤盟校
IVY LEAGUE SCHOOL 长春藤学院 ; 常春藤盟校
Little Ivy League 小常春藤联盟
Ivy League Plus 广义常春藤
All-Ivy League Second Team 盟第二阵容
New Ivy League 新常青藤联盟
以上来源于: WordNet
N-PROPER The Ivy League is a group of eight universities in the northeastern part of the United States, that have high academic and social status. 常春藤联盟; 美国东北部最著名的八所大学 ['the' N; oft N n]
...an Ivy League college.
You needn't attend an Ivy League school to reap those rewards.
True, the economic pressures—from the Ivy League to state systems—are intense.
One Ivy League school calls them impostors; another refers to them asspecial cases.
Taylor was Ivy League Rookie of the Year in 1971 and Rookie of the Year for the American Basketball Association two years later.
VOA: standard.2010.06.24
I worked on specifically, I looked at -and this is also the reason why it's difficult to say what is a just university, because we didn't just look at Princeton, we didn't just look at Ivy League Schools or at least private institutions.
And, um, I knew that Brown was an Ivy League school, so that meant it was a very good school.