2、瓦特改进蒸汽机 接着,在1759到1769年间,瓦特(James Watt)进一步改良了蒸汽机,使蒸汽机进入了实用时期,同时也加速了依靠自身动力驱动车轮回转的车辆的诞生。
James Watt and the Teakettle 詹姆斯 ; 瓦特与茶壶
James Watt College 詹姆斯·瓦特学院 ; 瓦特学院
James Watt governor 詹姆斯·瓦特调速器
James Watt and Horsepower 詹姆斯·瓦特与马力
James Watt Nanofabrication Centre 米技术中心
Watt James 发明人
Watt James M 发明人
James D Watt 标签
Watt James D 名称
The Frenchman Denis Papin had the idea for a steam engine almost a hundred years before James Watt was born, but Denis never had enough money to build one.
His biographies of James Watt, Richard Arkwright and Josiah Wedgwood were held up as beacons to guide the working man through his difficult life.
In the late 1700s James Watt designed an efficient and commercially viable steam engine that was soon applied to a variety of industrial uses as it became cheaper to use.