...℃积温1321C,无霜期80机结合,产生明显的遗传改良效果和社会经 天左右。该园地形平缓开阔,光热条件良济效益。新疆落叶松(Larix。ibirica L。-好,士质疏松肥沃,可以灌溉,交通及管理deb)是新疆主要用材树种之一,它生长快,条件方便。
Larix kaempferi 日本落叶松
Larix gmelinii 落叶松 ; 兴安落叶松
Larix decidua 欧洲落叶松
Larix sibirica 新疆落叶松 ; 落叶松 ; 西伯利亚落叶松
Larix speciosa 怒江红杉 ; 怒江落叶松
Larix himalaica 喜马拉雅红杉
Larix principis-rupprechtii 华北落叶松 ; 落叶松
Larix chinensis 太白红杉 ; 落叶松
Pinus koraiensis, Larix gmelini and Larix olgensis are the species of the most important timber in northeast of China.
The exterior is clad with European larch (Larix decidua), two walls of which have been charred using the Japanese method shou sugi ban.
The peat moss will be changed into valuable things and it promotes automatically the renewal of Larix olgensis forest for peat moss is cleared away.