词定义 中文名称:海上丝绸之路 英文名称:maritime silk route 近年来,广州与福建泉州在争夺海上丝绸之路的始发港上产生一些争论,如果你支持广州是始发港,你认为最有 近年来,广州与福建泉州在争夺海上丝绸之路的始发港上产生一些争
ancient maritime silk route 古代海上丝绸之路
maritime silk route QQ 海上丝绸之路
maritime silk route 21 海上丝绸之路
maritime silk route 2015 海上丝绸之路
Maritime Silk Route Study 海上丝绸之路研究
It probably set sail from Guangzhou, the largest of the ports linked by the Maritime Silk Route.
As early as a thousand years ago, our ancestors established close and friendly relations with many countries in Asia and other parts of the world via the Maritime Silk Route.