masonry structure 砌体结构 ; 砖石结构
masonry wall 砌石墙 ; 砌筑墙 ; 转砌墙 ; 圬工墙
brick masonry 砖石圬工
masonry block 砌墙块 ; 砌石块 ; 砌筑块
Masonry cement 砌筑水泥 ; 砌切筑水泥 ; 墁砌水泥 ; [建] 圬工水泥
masonry mortar [建] 砌筑砂浆 ; 圬工灰浆 ; 浆砌圬工
masonry drill [建] 圬工钻 ; 砖石钻 ; 石钻 ; 水泥钻
ashlar masonry 琢石圬工 ; 琢石砌体建筑 ; 条石砌体
masonry bridge 圬工桥 ; 石板桥
The masonry structure is developing based on brick block.
砌块砌体结构是在砖砌体的基础上发展起来的。 与传统粘土砖相比较,混凝土小型空心砌块具有许多优势。
参考来源 - 灌芯混凝土砌块砌体性能研究—《价值工程》—2010年第31期—龙源期刊网·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
同义词: Freemasonry
以上来源于: WordNet
N-UNCOUNT Masonry is bricks or pieces of stone which have been stuck together with cement as part of a wall or building. 砖石建筑
...a huge blast that sent pieces of masonry flying through the air.
She was injured by falling masonry.
When the blocks of masonry with which they built were not in scale with the projected scheme, the real joints were concealed and false ones introduced.
In California we retrofit all of the masonry building.