蓟花勋章展览介绍:蓟花勋章(Order of the Thistle)代表了苏格兰地区最高荣誉,该勋章授予那些在公职、或者是以特定的方式为苏格兰作出贡献的苏格兰人士。
以上来源于: WordNet
N an ancient Scottish order of knighthood revived by James VII of Scotland in 1687. It consists of the sovereign, 16 knights brethren, and extra members created by statute. It is the equivalent of the Order of the Garter, and is usually conferred on Scots 蓟花勋章; 詹姆士七世恢复的古苏格兰骑士勋章 (Also called the Thistle)