矮棕榈州(Palmetto State)的预测数字为3700万磅烟叶,比上个月提高了110万磅。产量也有所提高,每英亩2250磅的预测比去年提高了150磅,比上个月多了50磅。
同义词: South Carolina SC
以上来源于: WordNet
Several weeks later, they drove from New York to the Palmetto State.
The irony is that nothing is particularly great in the Palmetto State at the moment.
South Carolina's nickname is the easier of the two: It is the Palmetto State because of a fan-leafed palm tree that grows there.
South Carolina's nickname is the easier of the two: It is The Palmetto State because of a fan-leafed palm tree that grows there.
VOA: special.2011.01.16
South Carolina's nickname is the easier of the two: It is the Palmetto State because of a fan-leafed palm tree that grows there.
VOA: special.2011.01.16