Joe Perella 佩雷拉 ; 传奇银行家乔·派瑞拉 ; 佩雷推
Joseph Perella 佩雷拉 ; 普瑞澜
Perella Weinberg Partners 普望合伙人 ; 温伯格合伙公司 ; 华尔街投资银行普望 ; 普望
Wasserstein Perella 拉公司 ; 佩雷拉集团
Perella Weinberg 温伯格公司
The filing noted that Perella Weinberg acted as a subadvisor to Olympus' acquisition of Gyrus.
The Pennsylvania candy maker and the trust that controls it have gradually built their stable of advisers, starting with JPMorgan Chase, then adding Perella Weinberg Partners.
位于宾夕法尼亚州的糖果生产商好时及其控股信托一直在逐步建立稳定的顾问团队,先是摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase),然后又加入了Perella Weinberg Partners。