当量剂量的SI单位是J•kg-1,称为希沃特(Sievert,Sv)以前曾用过雷姆(rem)作为当量剂量的单位。 1 Sv= 1J•kg-1 1 Sv=1000m Sv 1 Sv=100 rem 当量剂量率为单位时间内组织或器官T所接受的当量剂量。
rem koolhaas 雷姆·库哈斯 ; 库哈斯 ; 雷姆库哈斯 ; 库尔哈斯
REM睡眠行为障碍 REM sleep behavior disorder
REM sleep 快速动眼睡眠 ; 做梦与快速动眼睡眠 ; 快速动眼期
in rem jurisdiction 物管辖权
Rem Koolhass 库哈斯 ; 雷姆·库哈斯 ; 瑞姆·库哈斯 ; 雷姆库哈斯
writ in rem 对物诉讼令状 ; 告票
REM sleep behavior disorder REM睡眠行为障碍 ; 快速动眼睡眠行为障碍
actio in rem 对物之诉 ; 质押之诉 ; 对物诉讼 ; 对物的诉讼
ad rem 中肯 ; 王子 ; 阿瑞
同义词: paradoxical sleep rapid eye movement sleep REM sleep rapid eye movement
以上来源于: WordNet
ADJ REM sleep is a period of sleep that is very deep, during which your eyes and muscles make many small movements. It is the period during which most of your dreams occur. REM is an abbreviation for "rapid eye movement." (睡眠)快速眼部运动的; rapid eye movement的缩写 [ADJ n]
N ACRONYM for roentgen equivalent man 人体伦琴当量 (Also rem)
REM sleep is termed 'active' sleep.
Doctors think that REM sleep is very important for learning, thinking, and memory.
Over time, not having enough sleep—especially deep and REM sleep—can cause one to become sick more easily.
They are Frank Gehry,Tadao Ando, Zaha Hadid,Rem Koolhaas,Norman Foster and Eduardo Souta de Moura.
VOA: special.2011.04.13
Then there is REM sleep.
You start off and you go down, down, down, and then you come up, then you get your first REM cycle, again, again, again, again, again, and then you wake up.