JIMMY杰米先生一家住在南部非洲的República de Moçambique (葡萄牙语),The Republic of Mozambique (莫桑比克),首都马普托Maputo郊外的农场。
... 津巴布韦共和国(Republic of Zimbabwe) 莫桑比克共和国(Republic of Mozambique) 南非共和国(Republic of South Africa) ...
The Republic of Mozambique 莫桑比克共和国 ; 莫桑比克
The Republic of Mozambique is located on the southeast of Africa with picturesque view and pleasant weather. Its capital Maputo is one of the largest ports in Africa.
莫桑比克,位于非洲东南部,景色秀美, 气候宜人。首都马普托,是非洲最大的港口之一。
In the last few years we have seen several African countries report reductions in child mortality of 25-30%, for example Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique and the United Republic of Tanzania.
在过去的几年里我们看到一些非洲国家报告儿童死亡率降低了25 - 30%,例如马达加斯加、马拉维、莫桑比克和坦桑尼亚联合共和国。