当年晚些时候,这本书在伦敦出版,题名为《四签名》(The Sign of Four),此后公认以此为书名。 从情绪化的反应中可以看出道尔是一位非常典型的维多利亚人,一位直率而外向的帝国主义者。
... 血字的研究 A Study in Scarlet 四个署名 The Sign of Four 波希米亚丑闻 A Scandal in Bohemia ...
以上来源于: WordNet
In the U.S., which is probably one of the most restrictive of all mobile markets, Google has managed to sign up two of the top four wireless operators, Sprint Nextel and T-Mobile USA.
在美国,这个最受限制的市场上,Google已经设法使最大的四家无线运营商中的两家——Sprint Nextel和t - Mobile美国加入进来。
And in each of the four successful cases they were able take the patient off immunosuppressant drugs within 8-14 months, with no sign of rejection.
在成功的四例中的每一例,他们都能够使病人在8 - 14个月内不使用免疫抑制药物而不发生排异现象。
The problem has persisted for about three or four weeks now, with no sign of abatement.