[ 复数 trolls 第三人称单数 trolls 现在分词 trolling 过去式 trolled 过去分词 trolled ]
patent troll 专利蟑螂 ; 专利地痞 ; 专利钓鱼
The Troll Hunter 追击巨怪 ; 外文别名 ; 逃击巨怪 ; 追打巨怪
Troll is Rage 巨人之怒
Troll Warlord 巨魔 ; 增加大魔战将
Dark Troll 黑暗巨魔
Troll Headhunter 猎头者 ; 巨魔猎头人
Troll Batrider 巨魔蝙蝠 ; 蝙蝠骑士 ; 蝙蝠
Troll Unguent 巨魔药膏
Troll Doll 巨魔娃娃
同义词: round
"he used a spinner as his troll"
同义词: trolling
"The child trolled her hoop"
"All tongues shall troll you"
以上来源于: WordNet
N-COUNT In Scandinavian mythology, trolls are creatures who look like ugly people. They live in caves or on mountains and steal children. (斯堪的纳维亚神话中居于洞穴或山上、专门偷小孩的)丑陋怪物
V-I If you troll somewhere, you go there in a casual and unhurried way. 闲逛 [英国英语] [非正式]
I trolled along to see Michael Frayn's play, "Noises Off."
V-I If you troll through papers or files, you look through them in a fairly casual way. 随便浏览(报纸或文件) [英国英语] [非正式]
Trolling through the files revealed a photograph of me drinking coffee in the office.
V to post deliberately inflammatory articles on an internet discussion board (在网络论坛)故意发布煽动性文章 [计算机] [slang]
A quant will troll through tons and tons of data, looking for patterns.
There are Troll Science repositories all over the web, but the one linked is a good sampling.
网上到处都是 Troll Science 漫画资源库,但其中一个链接的是很好的样本。
I lock my office door and put up a Post-It note that says, "Writing Troll – Get Back!" which has a picture of a troll on it.
我锁上办公室并在门上贴上便利贴,上面写着 “写作巨魔——请回!” ,上面还有巨魔的一幅画。