虚,虗,xu ,从虍( hū)从丘(qiu,从北从一)。虚本谓大丘。大则空旷。故引伸之为空虚。 虚是“墟”的古字,形声。丘的小篆是从北从一,后虚讹变为从虍从业(北)。 大丘也。崐崘丘谓之崐崘虚。古者九夫为井,四井为邑,四邑为丘。丘谓之虚。
年级上学期语文阶段测试(四)一、积累与运用(28分)1.选出下列加点的字音、字形 全对 的一项是( )(2分)A、炫耀(xu à n) 称职(ch è ng) 爵位(ju é ) 随声附和(h è )B、恩赐(c ì ) 勋章(x ū n) 潺潺(chán) 骇人听闻(h à i)C、陛下...
Lijia Xu 徐莉佳 ; 作者
Charmaine Xu 艾尚真
Jiao Xu 徐娇
Barbie Xu 徐熙媛 ; 徐熙娣 ; 知名艺人徐熙媛
Laurence Xu 劳伦斯·许 ; 许建树 ; 劳伦斯
Jinglei Xu 徐静蕾
Xu Niang 风姿徐娘 ; 气宇徐娘 ; 仪表徐娘
Ashley Xu 徐和安
以上来源于: WordNet
N a monetary unit of Vietnam worth one hundredth of a dông 苏; 越南货币单位,100分等于1盾。
His father taught little Xu by himself.
Xu has learned English all by himself.
Xu Da-ju from China wrote that his country has thousands of proverbs.
VOA: special.2009.03.01
A Pentagon release says Gates and Xu also agreed to other high level visits, and to exchanges among lower-ranking service members.
VOA: standard.2009.10.27
General Xu said the U.S.-China military relationship might have to endure what he called some more "shocks of adversity."
VOA: standard.2009.10.27