... 凝神一志 absorb [be absorbed]; engage [engross] wholly 像神一样的 a divinely 象神一样地 divinely ...
a divinely revealed law 就其以神的启示法律
For them, it is a divinely granted destiny no matter what other nations think.
For unitarian universalists and other liberal movements it is regarded as a sacred text but not as a divinely revealed work.
Broadly considered, prayer may be described as a means of grace since it is a divinely instituted element of worship through which God has promised to operate.
Isaiah in this passage is describing a crucial moment in his career, his career as a prophet: the moment in which his lips are cleansed and he is empowered -- divinely empowered -- to speak prophetically.
Milton's own faculty of memory - this is the idea that I'm going to be floating here - seems to provide something like, or pose a stumbling block or an obstacle for, his attempt to write an original, divinely inspired poem.