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A Game of Thrones Genesis 权力的游戏创世纪
A Game of Thrones Catan 冰火卡坦守夜人兄弟会
A Game of Thrones character 权力的游戏
A Game of the Thrones 冰与火之歌
以上来源于: WordNet
Defects in a Game of Thrones have a real bite.
It has three popular, admired dramas in "Boardwalk Empire" (pictured, right) "True Blood" (a vampire series set in Louisiana) and "Game of Thrones" (a fantasy set in the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros).
它手握三部叫好又叫座的剧集:《大西洋帝国》(见右图)《真爱如血》(“True Blood”)(发生在路易斯安那州的吸血鬼故事)以及《权力游戏》(“Game of Thrones”)(一部背景设在维斯·特洛的七王国的幻想剧集)。
Returning for a wildly anticipated sixth season, Game of Thrones has not disappointed in 2016.