men and a little lady 三个奶爸一个娃
a little old lady 一位矮小的老太太
A Crazy little lady 一个得意忘形的小女人
I'm a sentimental little lady 我是一个感性的小女人
A little old lady went 一个干瘪瘦小的老太太提着一大袋钱走进加拿大国家银行
She had done it like a little lady, never a peep from the baby monitor.
She had done it like a little lady; never a peep from the baby monitor.
But change an Angle to think, the past can be beautiful romance forget so clean man, isn't that a little lady oligonucleotide righteousness?
And when she was a very old lady, she led a demonstration to try to protect her little part of France on the Italian border from being exploited by tourism, more about that at the end, and with her tractor she led this demonstration.