enable network » 启用网络 above-and-beyond » 以上-和-超出 a book has been impelled into the bestseller by reader. » 一本书已经迫使成畅销的读者。
enable network » 启用网络 above-and-beyond » 以上-和-超出 a book has been impelled into the bestseller by reader. » 一本书已经迫使成畅销的读者。
Above and Beyond Award 公司最高荣誉
Go above and beyond 敢于突破常规
above and beyond sth 除…之外
Above And Beyond - You 推介超赞舞曲
Above And Beyond - Eternal 上一首
Above and Beyond Any Code 超越任何密码
以上来源于: WordNet
They can turn around and act in a way that is loyal and true above and beyond the call of duty.
As it lost weight, it started to incline its orbit toward the earth: it was dangerous, above and beyond anything else.
However, a pilot can only choose to fly IFR if they possess an instrument rating which is above and beyond the basic pilot's license that must also be held.
I think the answer is that both play a role but some of the effects are due to stereotypes above and beyond in-group favoritism.
We can say that there are certain things that are good above and beyond experiences-- the right kinds of accomplishments, the right kind of knowledge.
Remember your task for this week-- a dozen of you have already read it-- it's to commit- above and beyond what you usually commit- five extra acts of kindness during one day.