above board 光明正大的 ; 光明磊落 ; 但若将手放在桌上 ; 在桌面上
open and above board 光明磊落
be above board 光明正大的 ; 光亮正大的
put the issue above board 把事情放在桌面上来谈 ; 公开地谈这个问题
A Above board 敞亮正派
deal above board 正当交易
an above-board deal 光明正大的交易
同义词: honestly aboveboard
以上来源于: WordNet
ADJ An arrangement or deal that is aboveboard is legal and is being carried out openly and honestly. A person who is aboveboard is open and honest about what they are doing. 正大光明的 [v-link ADJ]
His business dealings were aboveboard.
If there was one thing she prided herself on, it was being open and aboveboard.