... the bridge 金门大桥; 子母桥-下集 absolute freedom 绝对自由; 虚通 academic freedom 学术自由; 学术自由学术自由 ...
...absolute freedom; an absolute dimwit; a downright lie; out-and-out mayhem; an out-and-out lie; a rank outsider; many right-down vices; got the job through sheer persistence; sheer stupidity. 彻底的自由;彻头彻尾的傻瓜;彻底的谎言;完完全全的故意伤害;彻底的谎言;十足的失败者;许多彻底的堕落;完全通过坚持才得到了这份工作;十足的愚蠢。
has the absolute freedom 拥有绝对自由
absolute freedom of testament system 绝对遗嘱自由制
absolute spirit freedom 绝对精神自由
Absolute degrees of freedom 绝对自由度
The Absolute and Human Freedom 绝对与人类自由谢林
His freedom viewpoint can be interpreted from political and spiritual angles, but mainly the latter. It is the final goal and end-result of Zhuang Zi’s freedom view point to pursue the absolute freedom at the angle of spirit.
参考来源 - 论庄子的自由观Absolute freedom is the essential element of human nature in existentialism.
参考来源 - 论《玻璃动物园》的人性主题·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress