[ 复数 academics 比较级 more academic 最高级 most academic ]
...帕配音海绵宝宝和小蜗 -> 阿帕地松 是怎样给阿帕网中传递的信息加 疯狂英语·阅读版 我们可以看看英语词典中对academic(学术的)一词的 中文名:阿帕 ernet) :阿帕网i 常常被阿帕的失误折磨的够呛 我们可以看看英语词典中对academic(学术的)一词的 亲眼见证第一...
... absolute a.绝对的,无条件的;完全的 academic a.学术的;高等院校的;研究院的 accomplish vt.完成,到达;实行 ...
academic degree 学术型学位 ; 学术性学位 ; 相对于学术型学位
academic conference 学术研讨会 ; 学术会议 ; 研讨会 ; 学术交流会议
academic journal 学术期刊 ; 学术刊物
academic freedom 学术自由 ; 学术自由学术自由 ; 学术自在
academic discipline 学科 ; 学科建设 ; 学术科目 ; 学术领域
academic year [社科] 学年 ; 组成学年的单位 ; 教学年度
academic library 大学图书馆 ; 高校图书馆 ; 图书馆 ; 学术图书馆
academic dress 学位服 ; 礼袍 ; 毕业礼服 ; 学士服
The fourth part involves the academic method of his research.
参考来源 - 闻一多的诗经研究The purpose of academic research is to make life more convenient.
参考来源 - 中西方律师群体观念史研究(研究生论文)In addition, low academic user perception quality and satisfaction levels are higher than the highly educated users; (4) different income differences.
参考来源 - 健康网站信息服务满意度评价指标体系研究Goal orientation mediated academic social comparison and academic self-efficacy.
参考来源 - 初中生学业社会比较、成就目标定向与学业自我效能感的关系研究This estimate system can folly evaluate the students'academic levels in the volleyball teaching. , which can not only apply to the volleyballteaching course, but make effective consultants in the reform of the estimate system inPE technique teaching of China.
参考来源 - 体育教育专业排球普修课教学中学生学力评价体系的研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
"the academic curriculum"; "academic gowns"
"an academic discussion"; "an academic question"
以上来源于: WordNet
ADJ Academic is used to describe things that relate to the work done in schools, colleges, and universities, especially work that involves studying and reasoning rather than practical or technical skills. 学术上的 [ADJ n]
Their academic standards are high.
academically ADV 学术上地
He is academically gifted.
ADJ Academic is used to describe things that relate to schools, colleges, and universities. 学校的 [ADJ n]
...the start of the last academic year.
ADJ Academic is used to describe work, or a school, college, or university, that places emphasis on studying and reasoning rather than on practical or technical skills. 学术的
The author has settled for a more academic approach.
ADJ Someone who is academic is good at studying. 学习好的
The system is failing most disastrously among less academic children.
ADJ You can say that a discussion or situation is academic if you think it is not important because it has no real effect or cannot happen. 空谈的
Who wants to hear about contracts and deadlines that are purely academic?
N-COUNT An academic is a member of a university or college who teaches or does research. 学者
A group of academics say they can predict house prices through a computer program.
He is unsuited to academic work.
It is a purely academic question.
Their academic standards are high.
Sports fans know the University of Southern California for its athletics, but students say they come for the strong academic programs.
VOA: special.2010.05.27
We are an Ivy League school and we are a really, um, you know, high tier academic institution.
010 will be her last year in the academic world, but not the last year of her many many occupations we are looking forward to hearing about that.