[ 复数 accords 第三人称单数 accords 现在分词 according 过去式 accorded 过去分词 accorded ]
... accompany...on...用...为...伴奏 accord一致,符合,调和;给予,使一致 accord with与...一致(常用于否定句) ...
Honda Accord 本田雅阁 ; 本田雅哥 ; 本田
Plaza Accord 广场协议 ; 广场协定 ; 广场和谈
Copenhagen Accord 哥本哈根协议 ; 哥本哈根协定 ; 哥本哈根条约 ; 哥本哈根临时协议
Louvre Accord 卢浮宫协议 ; 罗浮宫协议 ; 卢浮宫协定 ; 罗浮协议
geneva accord 日内瓦协议 ; 日内瓦协定
accord with 符合 ; 适合 ; 相称 ; 使协调一致
of one's own accord 自愿地 ; 自愿的 ; 自然而然的 ; 被迫地
Washington Accord 华盛顿协议 ; 华盛顿公约
with one accord 一致地 ; 一致同意地 ; 全体一致地 ; 和谐
N-COUNT An accord between countries or groups of people is a formal agreement; for example, to end a war. 协议
UNITA was legalized as a political party under the 1991 peace accords.
V-T If you are accorded a particular kind of treatment, people act toward you or treat you in that way. 给予 (某种待遇) [正式]
His predecessor was accorded an equally tumultuous welcome.
On his return home, the government accorded him the rank of Colonel.
→ see also according to##according to
PHRASE If something happens of its own accord, it seems to happen by itself, without anyone making it happen. 自动地
In many cases the disease will clear up of its own accord.
PHRASE If you do something of your own accord, you do it because you want to, without being asked or forced. 自愿地
He did not quit as France's prime minister of his own accord.