... accured interest patable 应计未付利钱 accrued liability 应计欠债 accrued profit 应计利润 ...
accrued liability account 应计负债科目
accrued liability account code 应计负债科目代码
accrued liability account total 应计负债科目总计
accrued liability account amount 应计负债科目金额
actuarial accrued liability 精算债务
accrued pension liability 应计退休金负债
accrued d liability 应计负债
Note that the accrued liability for bond interest payable will be paid within a few months anD, therefore, is classified as a current liability.
If this loan had called for the accrued interest to be paid on the last day of each month, SW's balance sheets would include no liability for accrued interest payable.