基础阶段的测验,一般受着教学大纲、教学内容的严格限制,大都是成绩测验(achievement test),而不是水平测验(proficiency test),就是说不超出课堂教学的知识范围.
academic achievement test 学业成就测验 ; 学业成绩测验 ; 学科成就测验
Stanford Achievement Test 斯坦福成就测验 ; 斯坦福成就测试 ; 斯坦福成绩测验
standardized achievement test 标准化成就测验
Wide Range Achievement Test 广度成就测验 ; 成就测验 ; 广泛成绩测验
Metropolitan Achievement Test 都市成就测验 ; 成就测验
final achievement test 结业成绩考试 ; 结业成绩
progress achievement test 成绩进展考试 ; 测试
Peabody Individual Achievement Test 皮博迪个人成就测验
general achievement test 一般成就测验 ; 普通成就测验
N a test designed to measure the effects that learning and teaching have on individuals 成绩测验 [psychol]
At the start of junior high, the math achievement test scores of the students with a growth mind-set were comparable to those of students who displayed a fixed mind-set.
Reliability and validity are the most important characteristics in the measurement of achievement test.
Most physical tests are achievement test based on criterion referenced in engineering institutions of higher education.