活动记录(activation record)是在进程栈低端分配的一个内存块,用来装载调用过程中函数的执行上下文。每次函数调用都在栈上创建一个新的活动记录
第九章 运行时存储空间结构(2) - 9.2 过程活动记录(Activation Record)和栈 过程活动记录(Activation Record)和栈 过程活动记录(AR): 过程活动记..
procedure activation record 程活动记录
activation record template 启动记录模板
deallocation of activation record [计] 活动记录重新分配
precedure activation record 程活动记录
activation n record 激活记录
The activation record contains all of the call-specific data for the function, including parameters and local variables.
This makes it easy for functions to know where their activation record is — they are simply defined in terms of the stack pointer.
Only when the function call is completely finished is the space for the activation record released for reuse (more on this later).
直到函数调用彻底完成 时,活动记录使用的空间才会被释放以便重用(更多信息请参看后面的介绍)。