γi:离子i的活度系数(activity coefficient):它反映实 际溶液与理想溶液之间偏差的大小。 活度:在化学反应中表现出来的有效浓度, 通常用a表示 溶液无限稀时: g =1 中性分...
... active surface有效(表)面 activity coefficient激活系数、活度系数 actual diameter(钢丝绳)实际直径 ...
mean activity coefficient 平均活度系统 ; 平均活度系数
mean activity coefficient of ions [物化] 离子平均活度系数
molar activity coefficient 摩尔活度系数
group activity coefficient 基团活度系数
ionic activity coefficient [物化] 离子活度系数
Activity and activity coefficient 活度和活度系数
activity coefficient of nitrogen [土壤] 氮的活度系数
transfer activity coefficient 迁移活度系数
Relative activity coefficient 相对活力系数 ; 本文提出相对活力系数
以上来源于: WordNet
Parameters are fitted to vapor pressure, density and mean ionic activity coefficient data.
How to estimate the activity coefficient of a chemical species is a problem which we must deal with carefully.
Measurement method of activity coefficient of Associated and non-associated electrolyte solution was discussed.
对缔合式、 非缔合式电解质溶液活度系数的各种测定方法进行了归纳和总结。