连接器 连接器(adapter connector) 连接器 电子产品中用于电气连接的一类机电元件 一般有以下几类连接: A类:元器件与印制电路板的连接; B类:印制电路板与印制电...
Adapter connector poor contact 适配器接头接触不良
Poor contact between adapter connector 适配器接头接触不良
adapter connector connector 连接器
optical cable connector adapter [通信] 光缆连接器转接座
RF connector & Adapter 连接器及转接器
Dock Connector to VGA Adapter 需单独购买
SC Connector Adapter SC 连接器适配器
The terms adapter and connector are often used interchangeably because you use an adapter to connect to a back-end system.
However, it needs to make use of a resource adapter — a JDBC connector — archived in a RAR file.
You can use connector and adapter technology to make those accesses (for example read and update).