... 粘着;附着力;粘着力;粘结,粘附;(质点的)附着 adhesion 粘附剂 adhesion agent 服从契约 adhesion contract ...
...个人意见的可能性更小,故许多美国学者认为保险合同甚至有别于一般的格式合同,而成为了一种典型的附合合同(adhesion contract),即指一方当事人对于另一方当事人事先已经确定的合同条款只能表示全部同意或不同意的合同,亦即一方当事人要么从整体上接受合同...
...,减少争议;另一方面对保险合同的成立起到了证明作用。5.保险合同是附和性与约定性并存的合同。附和合同 ( Adhesion Contract) 是由一方当事人拟定合同的主要内容,另一方当事人只能对合同作出取舍的选择,而无权修改合同的内容或条款。
am adhesion contract 服从契约
Contract of Adhesion 附合契约 ; 附合合同 ; 附和合同 ; 式合同
a contract of adhesion 作为一种附意合同
adhesion insurance contract 合意保险合同
International Contract of Adhesion 国际附和合同
adhesion n contract 服从契约
The theory on the adhesion contract is used to explain the common explanation obligation under the contractual terms by the insurer, but it is unable to conclude the specific explanation obligation that shall be borne by the insurer.
参考来源 - 保险人明确说明义务问题研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
同义词: contract of adhesion
以上来源于: WordNet
Although adhesion contracts differ with other previous types of contract, the writers hold that they have their inherent basic characteristics.
It's the premise that adhesion clauses had been written into adhesion contract when explanations and regulations occur, at the same time, it's the foundation of the effect of adhesion clauses.
Insurance contract as a classic contract of adhesion, will benefiting both the insurers and the insureds.