tax administrative body 税务行政主体
Social Administrative Body 社会行政主体
administrative body theory 行政主体理论
Administrative body opinion 办事机构意见
On Social Administrative Body 论社会行政主体
office of administrative body 行政机关的职责
The procedural right helps to realize the substantive right of private party and corresponds to the administrative body’s procedural obligation.
参考来源 - 行政相对人程序权利研究According to the attitude of administrative body, information disclosure bill, information feedback mechanism, laws and regulations, and other views, it gives some optimization measures to network public opinion supervision.
参考来源 - 论网络舆论对行政权力的监督·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
同义词: administrative unit
以上来源于: WordNet