新产品的采用与扩散 采用过程(Adoption process):新产品正式上市后, 期望被消费者及市场接受并采用。 消费者的采用过程:消费者开始知道有新产品的存在。
Consumer-adoption process 消费者采购过程
Knowledge adoption process 知识采纳的流程
New product adoption process 新产品采用过程
Adoption Process Theory 行为过程理论
stages in the adoption process 采用程序阶段
the adoption process is strict 收养的过程是严谨的
You can use WebSphere portal to improve the continuous role adoption process by building a contextual portal.
您可以使用WebSphere Portal,通过构建上下文门户来改进连续的角色适应过程。
We may experiment with an adoption process for abandoned plugins as a way to revitalize hidden gems in the directory.
Tom Bourdon, 35, and his husband interviewed more than a dozen private adoption agencies when they began the adoption process two years ago.