...业英语 韧性,室温拉伸强度可达440~500MPa,但其抗腐蚀性能和铸造工艺性能较差;另一类是以Al-7Si为基的亚共晶型合金(Al-Si-Mg,Al-Si-Cu-Mg),兼有较高的强度(σb280-320MPa)和良好的铸造工艺性能。
...业英语 韧性,室温拉伸强度可达440~500MPa,但其抗腐蚀性能和铸造工艺性能较差;另一类是以Al-7Si为基的亚共晶型合金(Al-Si-Mg,Al-Si-Cu-Mg),兼有较高的强度(σb280-320MPa)和良好的铸造工艺性能。
al-si-mg合金 al-si-mg alloy
Al-Mg-Si 属于 ; 铝合金 ; 铝板
Al-Si-Mg-Cu 复杂铝硅明
al si mg alloy 铝硅镁合金
al-si mg alloy 铝硅镁合金
Al-Si-Mg cast alloy 铸造铝硅镁合金
Na Mg Al Si 钠镁铝硅磷
al-mg-si合金 al-mg-si alloy
Modification mechanism and existing form of Sb and Mg in Al-Si alloy were studied by using optical microscope and scanning electron microscope.
The effect of cold deformation on the aging precipitation of the solution-treated 6082 Al-Mg-Si alloy was investigated by the methods of TEM, electric resistance, mechanical properties tests.
用TEM、电阻、力学性能试验等方法研究了固溶后的冷变形对6082 铝合金时效析出过程的影响。
The Molecular Interaction Volume Model(MIVM) is introduced for the prediction and fitting of the activities of liquid alloys Ni-Mg-Cu, Ni-Al-Si and Ni-Cu-Co in the ternary systems.