... 〖mural;fresco〗绘在墙面上的画 〖niche;alcove〗安置在墙壁内的小阁子 〖rampart;barrier〗旧时兵营四周的墙壁,泛指防御、戒备的工事,现在常指互相对立的事物或界限 ...
The Woman in the Alcove 凹家的女人 ; 幽室里的女人
Treant Alcove 树精别墅 ; 树精庭院
dining alcove 小饭厅 ; 小餐厅
spring alcove 涌泉凹壁 ; 谷壁泉穴
vacuum alcove 真空室
The Alcove Library Hotel 阿尔科夫图书馆酒店 ; 壁龛图书馆酒店
alcove e 凹室 ; 壁龛
daylit alcove 浴满阳光阿尔科夫
N-COUNT An alcove is a small area of a room that is formed by one part of a wall being built further back than the rest of the wall. 凹室
In the alcoves on either side of the fire were bookshelves.
There's an alcove with a small sink and mirror, and a door to the tiny, but private lavatory.
The bookcase fits neatly into the alcove.
There’s an alcove with a small sink and mirror, and a door to the tiny, but private lavatory.