... Alpha Bank 阿尔法银行 ; 希腊银行 ; 阿法银行 alpha radiation 辐射 ; 阿尔发辐射 ; 赖曼阿发辐射 ; 阿伐辐射 alpha risk 阿尔法风险 ; 阿尔法风险第一种审计风险 ; ...
... Alpha Bank 阿尔法银行 ; 希腊银行 ; 阿法银行 alpha radiation 辐射 ; 阿尔发辐射 ; 赖曼阿发辐射 ; 阿伐辐射 alpha risk 阿尔法风险 ; 阿尔法风险第一种审计风险 ; ...
... Alpha Bank 阿尔法银行 ; 希腊银行 ; 阿法银行 alpha radiation 辐射 ; 阿尔发辐射 ; 赖曼阿发辐射 ; 阿伐辐射 alpha risk 阿尔法风险 ; 阿尔法风险第一种审计风险 ; ...
alpha radiation sensitivity 粒子辐射灵敏度 ; 粒子辐射活络度 ; 粒子辐射敏锐度
Alpha radiation error 阿尔法射线错误
Layman alpha radiation 赖曼α辐射
alpha radiation acuteness 粒子辐射敏锐度
radiation alpha 阿伐辐射
alpha a radiation sensitivity 粒子辐射灵敏度
N alpha particles emitted from a radioactive isotope 阿尔法粒子辐射
Beta radiation consist of small particles (electrons) with an incredible speed, Alpha radiation consists of big particles (two protons, two neutrons altogether), also with incredible speed.
The radiation data involved detecting low levels of gamma radiation and suspected alpha/beta particulates in air.
The most damaging radiation are gamma rays and x-rays; energetic alpha rays (streams of helium nuclei) and beta rays (electrons) can also damage cells.
On the other hand, when it came to penetrating solids, penetrating solids, the alpha radiation was poor at penetrating solids, whereas the beta radiation was very good at penetrating solids.
About 10 to 15 years later, another physicist, Ernest Rutherford, actually put this plum pudding model to test, Ernest Rutherford and he did it through studies that he'd been doing on radiation that was emitting something called alpha particles.