金庸小说中韦小宝的人物形象分析-汉语言文学论文|开题报告|毕业论文|文献综述-汉语言文学MBA论文 关键词:另类 奇人 不学有术 小人 [gap=845]Key words : alternative; judge; ignorant and incompetent ;villains
...意了他的誊录风格,但还没有充分的证据证实,不同的执笔法对整个书法的时代特性有绝对不同的影响 、非主流(Alternative Rock)、柳体 、俗气和媚俗)的成分、装配或影像,有的与书法有关,有的与书法无关 鲁大东:没有 宗绪升:我知道,你亲手拓过许多摩崖石...
... alternativetest交错检验 alternative两者挑一的;交替的;可能的;比较方案;两者挑一;替换物 alternatives备选方案 ...
alternative medicine 替代医学 ; 替代疗法 ; 另类医疗 ; 另类疗法
Alternative Rock 另类摇滚 ; 非主流摇滚 ; 另类摇滚类 ; 音乐类型
alternative hypothesis [数] 备择假设 ; 对立假设 ; [数] 择一假设 ; 另一假设
Alternative Metal 另类金属 ; 非主流金属 ; 另种金属
alternative fuel 替代燃料 ; [能源] 代用燃料 ; 可替代燃料 ; 人造液体燃料
Alternative Dance 非主流舞曲 ; 版本特性 ; 另类舞蹈伴奏曲
alternative algebra [数] 交错代数
Alternative Country 另类乡村 ; 非主流乡村音乐 ; 替代国 ; 专辑类型
Alternative cost [会计] 选择成本 ; 替换成本 ; 变换成本 ; 替代成本
N-COUNT If one thing is an alternative to another, the first can be found, used, or done instead of the second. 替代品
New ways to treat arthritis may provide an alternative to painkillers.
ADJ An alternative plan or offer is different from the one that you already have, and can be done or used instead. 另外的 [ADJ n]
There were alternative methods of travel available.
ADJ Alternative is used to describe something that is different from the usual things of its kind, or the usual ways of doing something, in modern Western society. For example, an alternative lifestyle does not follow conventional ways of living and working. 另类的 [ADJ n]
...unconventional parents who embraced the alternative lifestyle of the Sixties.
ADJ Alternative medicine uses traditional ways of curing people, such as medicines made from plants, massage, and acupuncture. 替代性的 (疗法) [ADJ n]
...alternative health care.
ADJ Alternative energy uses natural sources of energy such as the sun, wind, or water for power and fuel, rather than oil, coal, or nuclear power. 可再生的 (能源) [ADJ n]