... 和控制轧制 And Controlled Rolling 热机械控制轧制 TMCR 控制轧制及控制冷却 Controlled rolling and controlled cooling ...
controlled rolling and controlled cooling 控制轧制及控制冷却
controlled rolling and cooling 控轧控冷
controlled rolling and controlled 控轧控冷
controlled rolling and colling 控冷控轧
controlled rolling and cooling process 控轧控冷工艺
controlled rolling and cooling processes 控轧控冷工艺
controlled rolling and constraint cooling 控轧控冷
Plan view control, dynamic regulation automatic setting system and controlled rolling technology are also included in this system.
Effect of technological parameters of controlled rolling and accelerated cooling on the mechanical properties of vanadium bearing microalloyed clean steel have been investigated in this paper.
Stable, reliable and easily-controlled, this system has achieved comprehensive economical benefits to reduce rolling pressure, ensure rolling quality and raise machine production.