... shooting foul 投篮犯规(即防守方在进攻方进行投篮的过程中与其发生非法的接触而得到的犯规,进攻 and one 加罚一球 over back foul 推人犯规 ...
One Thousand and One Nights 一千零一夜 ; 天方夜谭
Four Wants and One Without 四要一没有
thousand and one way 许多办法
One and One Story 两人的故事 ; 恋爱物语 ; 两个人的故事
a hundred and one 许多 ; 许多的
a thousand and one 许许多多 ; 无数的 ; 很多很多的 ; 一千零一
And One for All 一统江山 ; 一统山河
One old and one less 一老一少
One More and One Less 多一个和少一个
以上来源于: WordNet
I got three passes and one fail.
I was in excruciating pain and one leg wouldn't move.
The company employs six full-timers and one part-time worker.
The recession has hit especially hard in California, home of the world's eighth largest economy and one out of eight Americans.
VOA: special.2009.07.31
One is a little bit higher and one is a little bit lower than they are in the atomic situation.
which means that I have to take one of Arts and one of philosophy and one of biological sciences