... 光的折射定律(The Law of Refraction) 1、折射光线位于入射面内 2、入射角(Angle of Incidence)和折射角 (Angle of Refraction)正弦之比,对两种 一定的介质来说,是一个和入射 角无关的常数。
N the angle that a refracted beam of radiation makes with the normal to the surface between two media at the point of refraction 折射角
The method to measure the refraction rate of liquids by using the least deflection angle is introduced and analyzed in this paper.
介绍一种利用分光计及自制盛液“三棱杯” ,采用最小偏向角法测量液体折射率的方法,并对该法进行了分析和讨。
A passive lens based on the prismatic refraction principle proposed to amplify the scan Angle of a phased array.
The stability of the reconstruction procedure is discussed using the condition number of matrix, and the theoretical maxima of the refraction angle and USAXS distribution width are given.