...时官吏士绅很多 [anxious to return;when the mind is bent on returning,it is like a flying arrow] 形容归家的念头非常急切。亦作“归心似箭” [it happened exactly as expected] 事实果真和所预料到的一样。形容料事如神 .
very anxious to return home 回家心切 ; 归心似箭
be anxious to return home 归心似箭
Anxious To Return Home 急不可待地回到家乡 ; 回家的念头
He was so anxious to return home that he had booked a train ticket before the vacation began.
他回家心切, 还没放暑假就买好了火车票。
The shop was anxious to return her beads, newly strung, and without charge, only a couple of them had been crushed underfoot.
除了一两颗被脚踩碎的珠子外,商店已经免费 为珀尔重新穿好了项链,并盼望着能将项链还给她。